Verreaux’s Tree Frog
Verreaux’s Tree Frog, Whistling Tree Frog – Litoria verreauxii
Litoria verreauxii
Last weekend was spent in the garden pruning and tidying up the flax plants along the side of the pool. They were all drooping into the water making it impossible to walk along the edge to clean and attend to the filter.
We found 2 little frogs hiding amongst the foliage. The first I recognised straight away as a young Peron’s Tree Frog with it’s distinctive silver, cross shaped iris and bold yellow and black mottling on the back of the thighs.
The second little frog is a new find in my backyard – a Litoria verreauxii. I’m thrilled that he has found the garden a pleasant place to be and hope he decides to stay. In the picture below you can just see the orange-red colouring behind his thighs. His back is somewhat lighter in colour than the pictures I’ve seen in frog guides but he does have the dark patches on his sides and in the groin.
Information about Verreaux’s Tree Frog ( link to Frogs Australia Network Database)
Frog Call (mp3)
Young Peron’s Tree Frog
The Peron’s Tree Frogs who were living in the waterwell pots last year have not returned yet. I did cut back the grape vine quite severely this year and it is just starting to shoot now. Hopefully they will be back once the vine covers the pergola again. I can hear Peron’s frogs calling from the local creek only a few blocks away, so they are certainly active and in the area.
Posted on October 18th, 2008 by Sue
Filed under: Frogs