Water Garden Pots & Peron’s Tadpoles

January 14th, 2012

This season the Peron’s Tree Frogs were spawning in my water pots as soon as the days warmed and lengthened  in Spring. The pots are teaming with tadpoles and I find that I need to supplement the food supply with boiled lettuce and the occasional Spirulina Algae Tablet.

I have 2 pots and a half wine barrel with assorted water plants – reeds, waterlily and pebbles. The water in the smaller pot will over heat in extreme temperatures and unfortunately the inhabitants tend to die.

The tadpoles are now sprouting back legs and have a voracious appetitie!

Watch them feeding!

[flash http://mybackyard.info/movies/MVI_3832.flv w=450 h=337]